Date range type
Filters described as date range
allows to filter in 4 ways:
specific date, it will show entities related just to this date,2020-01-01
closed date range, it will show entities for given date range (from, to, >= date field <=),2020-01-01
open date range, it will show entities from given start date without limiting on end,,
open date range, it will show entities to given end date without limiting start,
Amount range type
Filters described as amount range
allows to filter in 4 ways:
specific amount (equal), it will show entities related just to this amount,100,200
closed amount range, it will show entities for given amount range (from, to >= date field <=),100,
open amount range, it will show entities from given amount without limiting on end,,200
open amount range, it will show entities to given amount without limiting start,
You can use decimals like 10.00 It's important to use dot separator, comma separator is not allowed.
Last updated